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This blog is a part of our assignment on welding inspection subject.

Credit to Dr. Hazirah Bt Noh.

Admins Self Reflection

-Razidan Bin Kamarudin-

Reflecting back on the industrial visit to Twi-Abm Training & Certification Sdn Bhd (28 October 2018), it was a wonderful opportunity to experience a visit to a training and examination based company as it ties in with our course which is welding inspection. I feel that I learned a lot and developed a vast amount of skills and knowledge from just one visit. This industrial visit is aimed to understand more in depth regarding the subject of welding inspection (Welding Inspection) which is taught by Dr Hazirah Binti Noh. 
As we entered Twi-Abm, we were brought to a conference room where we got good hospitality as refreshments were ready for us. The day started off with a guest lecture talk by the associate staff of the Twi-Abm about their company and organisation. After that, they brought us to visit their workshop ; welding area, radiography and visual testing room, destructive test area and tensile strength room. I would have loved to experience a more depth tour of Twi-Abm but it was not possible due to time-limitation.
After the workshop tour,they brought us to the demonstration of penetration test and magnetic test. Some students are asked to re-test them to make sure they understand better. Significantly I developed a vast amount of skills and knowledge: communication skills, teamwork skills and interlinking my knowledge on welding inspection within the workshop.
In the nutshell, the group at Twi-Abm was very pleasant and helpful and I appreciated the experience and knowledge they provided us. This knowledge and understanding is important to me as a learner as I can apply this to my modules and future career in a work-place. We decided to take SCIW course with Twi-Abm to further our studies pursuing their qualification.


Welding is one of the process to bind two material, normally carbon steel. To be a qualified welding, there are much institution that giving certification, qualification or training to be a professional welder, like vocational institution or professional institution like TWI. If there is welders, so must the welding inspectors, because there are standards in welding that must be fulfill in other to make pass through either safety standard or quality standard. Based on what we learn when we are touring the Twi-Abm Training & Certification Sdn. Bhd. at Johor Bahru, to be a welding inspector, a person need to know wide range of inspection technique, knowledge about material science, and how to use the technique depend on the circumstance. For example, in dye penetration testing technique, there are two type of test that are used depend on the lighting availability because it is a visual inspection. if there are enough light, normal dye penetration test can be conduct. If the inspection is to be conducted in darker places, there are option to use fluorescence dye penetration test. All in all, to be a welding inspector is harder than to be a welder, but it is paid off because a good welding is defined how far it pass through the welding inspector's testing.

On 28 October 2018, my courses involved in a short educational trip to TWI-ABM Training & Certification Sdn Bhd located at Tampoi, Johor Bahru. Basically, this trip was to give exposure to me and my classmate regarding one of our welding subject which was Welding Inspection. Interestingly, the reason why we choose to do our trip to this training centre was because this place provided us a realistic practical testing that can't be shown at our university. 

At the TWI Training centre, our tour started with a few introductory sessions by one of the instructors about the programs offered by the training center as well as the benefits that students could gain when they choose to study there. During this session, i learnt that there are a lots of other welding field and focus that i didn't expose to before and it somehow give me the urge to learnt deeper and share the knowledge with other people especially for my future students. The instructor then show us their surrounding workplace and the testing room and i'm quite fascinated with the tour because i couldn't see these kind of thing at my university. This was actually a very good trip and marvelous experience that i shouldn't missed and couldn't get at other places.

After some tour session, we took some break before continuing our trip further. The next session were some demonstration and practical testing by the instructor for a few kind of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) which were magnetic test and dye penetration test. I used to watch video online on how do the testing but seeing it done in front of my eyes was very impressive. Few of my friends also had the chance to do the testing by themselves and get to experience it by themselves which made the trip more useful and interesting. After the demonstration session, the instructor brought us back to the conference room and gave a short but useful briefing about some of their short programme which could benefits us in many way. The tour ends with a few closing speech made by the instructor and our trip director and also some consolation session and photo session in front of the TWI building.

Last but not least, i learned a lot from this trip and i felt that all of those theory learning that i get during classes benefits me in many ways while going through this whole trip. The knowledge and information that i get from this trip helps me in becoming a more knowledgeable person and encouraged me to do better in this field so that i could be the best teacher and give the best experience with my future workplace and students.

About me:
 I'm a teacher in training  who takes the teaching route and choose to teach about welding. in this particular blog, I'll be focusing on the subject called Welding Inspection. My part is about explaining the details of Radiography Testing and the Ultrasonic Testing that we collected from the TWI Site visit program. Below is my reflection on the making of this blog
P.S: Have fun while welding

        Sepanjang menyiapkan blog ini, saya telah mempelajari sangat banyak nilai-nilai murni disamping belajar berkenaan pemeriksaan kimpalan. Pada awalnya kami berbahagi tugas mengikut kapasiti dan saya ditugaskan untuk menyiapkan blog bagi bahagian radiography testing serta ultrasonic testing.Tugasan ini merupakan amat susah kerana saya tidak sempat menghadiri lawatan industri yang dapat membantu saya dalam pembuatan blog. Namun dengan tunjuk ajar rakan sekelas, saya dapat belajar kembali dan dapat menulis apa yang telah dikatakan dan diajar semasa latihan industri juga.Di sini saya dapat lihat kerjasama setiap ahli demi memperbaiki kekurangan antara satu sama lain. Selain itu dapat saya lihat sifat kerajinan setiap ahli dalam menyiapkan bahagian masing-masing serta kepada ahli yang sempat melakukan proses touch up kepada blog agar blog  tidak terlalu kosong, walaupun beberapa ahli sedang sibuk dan terpaksa menghantar beberapa bahagian penting pada blog pada saat terakhir. 
